SPORTSTER 14,400 1 Table of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction ii How to Use this Manual ii Table of Contents v PART I. INSTALLATION AND OPERATION CHAPTER 1_Features and Compatibility Modem Features 1-1 Compatibility 1-3 CHAPTER 2_Set-Up and Testing Package Components 2-1 Requirements_Communications Software 2-2 RS-232 Requirements 2-2 Hardware Features 2-3 Power Switch 2-3 Volume Control Switch 2-3 Front Panel Indicators 2-3 DIP Switches 2-4 Installing the Modem 2-4 Testing the Installation 2-6 Troubleshooting 2-8 CHAPTER 3_Quick Start Basic Operating Requirements 3-1 Software Parameters 3-1 Modem Parameters 3-2 Setting Modem Parameters 3-2 Rate Shifting 3-3 Phone Line Interface 3-3 Serial Port Interface 3-3 Recommended Settings 3-4 Software Settings 3-4 Modem Settings 3-5 Alternative Settings 3-6 Data Format 3-8 Storing Defaults in Nonvolatile Memory 3-9 Dialing 3-10 CHAPTER 4_Interface Controls Terminology 4-1 Modem Interfaces 4-1 Changing Settings 4-2 Throughput Guidelines 4-2 CCITT/Bell Settings (Bn) 4-4 Error Control (&Mn) 4-4 Auto Answer with Error Control4-5 Online Fallback and Fall Forward4-5 Flow Control Overview 4-6 Transmit Data Buffer Sizes 4-6 Received Data Buffer Size 4-6 Hardware/Software Flow Control Options 4-6 Warning on Software Flow Control4-7 Transmit Data Flow Control (&Hn)4-8 When it is Required 4-8 Received Data Flow Control 4-9 Hardware Control (&Rn) 4-10 Software Control (&In) 4-10 Data Compression (&Kn) 4-11 Data Rate Commands 4-12 Software Requirements 4-13 Serial Port Rate Select (&Bn)4-13 Connection Rate Select (&Nn)4-14 Data Set Ready (&Sn) 4-15 Break Handling (&Yn) 4-15 CHAPTER 5_Internal Controls Setting/Using Defaults 5-1 Writing Defaults to NVRAM (&W)5-1 Loading the Factory Defaults (&F) 5-2 Reset (Z) 5-3 Storing a Phone Number (&Zs) 5-3 Result Codes 5-4 Response Modes (Vn) 5-4 Quiet Mode (Qn) 5-5 Result Code Options (Xn) 5-5 Additional Result Code Options (&An) 5-8 Local Echo 5-9 Command Mode Local Echo (En) 5-9 Online Local Echo (Fn) 5-10 The Audio Monitor 5-10 Speaker Control (Mn) 5-11 S-Registers 5-11 CHAPTER 6_Dialing and Answering Before Connecting 6-1 Modulation/Standards 6-1 Setting the Transmission Rate6-1 Data Format 6-2 Error Control 6-3 Placing Calls 6-3 Dial (D) 6-3 Cancel Dialing 6-4 Dial Command Options 6-4 Dialing Type, Pulse or Tone 6-4 Adaptive Dialing (X2OX4) 6-5 Pause (,) 6-5 Slash (/) 6-5 Wait for Another Dial Tone (W)6-5 Dial and Return to Command Mode (;) 6-6 Dialing Letters (") 6-6 Transferring Calls (!) 6-6 Wait for an Answer (@) 6-7 Reversing Originate/Answer Frequencies (R) 6-7 Dialing the Stored Number (DS)6-8 Redialing (A/) 6-8 Escape Code Operations (+++) 6-8 Modem Response to +++ 6-9 Hanging Up (Hn) 6-9 Returning Online (On) 6-9 Automatic Answering 6-10 Suppressing Auto Answer 6-11 Manual Answer 6-11 Points to Remember 6-11 International Calls 6-12 CCITT/Bell Answer Sequence (Bn)6-12 Guard Tone (&Gn) 6-12 Pulse Dial Make/Break Ratio (&Pn) 6- 12 CCITT V.21_300 bps 6-13 CCITT V.23_1200/75 bps 6-13 Chapter 7_Queries and Help Screens User Inquiries (In) 7-1 S-Register Query (Sr?) 7-3 Stored Phone Number Query (&Z?)7-3 Help Screens 7-3 Stop/Restart Display 7-3 Cancel Display 7-4 Basic Command Set ($) 7-4 Ampersand Command Set (&$) 7-4 Dialing (D$) 7-5 S-Register Functions (S$) 7-6 PART II. REFERENCE Appendix A_Error/Flow Control Concepts Error Control and Throughput Overview A-1 CCITT V.42 Handshaking A-1 MNP Handshaking A-2 Data Compression A-2 Flow Control A-3 Throughput Guidelines A-3 Online Fallback/Fall Forward A-5 Achievable Throughput StatisticsA-6 Appendix B_Summaries and Tables Front Panel Indicators B-1 The RS-232 Interface B-2 DIP Switch Summary B-4 Default Settings B-6 S-Register Summary B-9 ASCII Chart B-17 Appendix C_Alphabetical Command Summary Appendix D_Problems and Solutions Before the Modems Connect D-1 During Data Transfer D-3 If You Still Have Problems D-4 Appendix E_Fax and Other Operations Fax Operations E-1 High Speed/Low Speed Protocol E-2 Voice/Data Communications E-5 Appendix F_Modem Testing Testing with &T F-1 Dial Test_S16=2 F-8 Appendix G_Glossary Appendix H_Warranty/Service/Certification Index